
…writing a newsletter article proves how depleted my creativity has become. I know the focus: Breakfast Ministry at
Davis Street, but what do I say that I haven’t said before? How can I use words to express the vitality, faithfulness, and witness to
Christ that has become Breakfast Ministry? So what do many of us do when we hit a dry spell? Of course, we go to google and
that’s exactly what I did.

I found this article about a new-church plant that had changed its ‘strategy’ to invite the community to attend their worship
services and here’s what they said:

“Our new church was about to embark on a city-wide ad campaign with flyers, mailers, ads, and billboards, but decided to abandon
those plans and do a BIG FREE Breakfast weekly instead for these 3 reasons.
Jesus regularly took time to eat with friends and strangers alike. We want to be like Jesus and build relationships over good meals.
Times are tough. Not only are people hurting financially, they are also more isolated than ever. This FREE breakfast is a way to
show our love for people. It’s practical. Having a FREE breakfast at church on Sunday morning is very convenient for our volunteers,
families, and visitors.”

I agree.

At Davis St. we want to be like Jesus and “build relationships over good meals.”
Providing a free breakfast helps others but it is really a way “to show our love for people.”
Having a breakfast available on Sunday morning for guests and members alike is a good way to build community.
Yes, I agree. We are not a new church start but in many ways we are a church with a new vision to be “A Church for All People”.

Mike Sykes


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